Senin, 24 Mei 2010

Sabtu, 22 Mei 2010

Kejurnas Karate Junior Piala Mendagri XIV & Cadet Piala Mendiknas III Tahun 2010

Pembinaan prestasi olahraga Karate-Do harus dimulai dengan pembinaan atlit sejak usia dini. Hal ini dilakukan melalui sistem yang bersifat berjenjang, bertingkat dan berkelanjutan, seperti halnya yang telah dilakukan oleh Pengurus Besar Federasi Olahraga Karate-Do Indonesia (PB. FORKI) selama ini. Program pembinaan atlit usia dini dilakukan dengan melibatkan berbagai pihak, diantaranya melalui sekolah-sekolah di berbagai tingkatan. Program ini dilaksanakan secara simultan dengan sasaran pada murid-murid sekolah diberbagai tingkatan sekolah. Diharapkan melalui program kegiatan seperti ini dapat melahirkan atlit-atlit yang memiliki prestasi yang tinggi. Salahsatu cara yang ditempuh untuk melahirkan atlit-atlit berprestasi internasional adalah melalui kompetisi secara berkesinambungan. Melalui kompetisi yang berkesinambungan seperti yang selama ini dilakukan oleh PB. FORKI lewat Kejuaraan Nasional Karate mulai dari tingkatan usia dini hingga kelompok senior. Terkhusus kelompok Junior dan Cadet saat ini telah memasuki tahun ke XIV. Sehubungan dengan perihal di atas, maka PB, FORKI dalam rapat kerja nasional FORKI di Provinsi Lampung, telah menetapkan Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan sebagai tuan rumah penyelenggara “Kejuaraan Nasional Karate Piala MENDAGRI XIV/2010 dan MENDIKNAS III/2010”.

Tujuan Kejurnas Karate Junior Piala MENDAGRI XIV dan MENDIKNAS III, adalah: Meningkatkan frekuensi kompetisi para atlet-atlet berbakat dari Perguruan dan Daerah pada jenjang tingkat Nasional. Terciptanya pola pembinaan olahraga karate yang terintegrasi dengan pelibatan seluruh komponen pendukung terciptanya atlet-atlet yang handal dan mampu meraih prestasi tingkat dunia. Untuk menjaring atlet-atlet yang akan diproyeksikan untuk mengikuti Pelatnas persiapan WKF Cadet & Junior 2010.

Sasaran Kejurnas Mengadakan evaluasi dan menguji prestasi atlet-atlet potensial khususnya atlet Junior, Cadet, Pemula dan usia dini dari daerah dan perguruan karate secara maksimal. Terbentuknya database secara formal untuk membantu PB. FORKI dalam menentukan atlet binaan. Menciptakan jenjang kompetisi yang terpadu antar Perguruan Karate dan antar Pengprov FORKI.


- Pendaftaran peserta kejuaraan :
Hari/Tanggal : 1 Mei s.d 10 Juni 2010
Pukul : 09.00 WIB s/d 19.00 WIB
Tempat : Kantor KONI Sulawesi Selatan Lantai 2,
Jl. Sultan Hasanuddin No. 42 Makassar. Telp.
(0411) 327170 Fax. (0411) 320421
08124202703,081354860468, (0411)5750686
- Pendaftaran Peserta Penataran Wasit dan Juri :
Hari/Tanggal : 1 Mei s.d 10 Juni 2010
Pukul : 09.00 WIB s/d 19.00 WIB
Tempat : Kantor KONI Sulawesi Selatan Lantai 2,
Jl. Sultan Hasanuddin No. 42 Makassar.
Telp. (0411) 327170 Fax. (0411) 320421.
08124202703, 081354860468, (0411)5750686

Hari/Tanggal : saat pendaftaran disekretariat panitia sampai tgl.22 Juni 2010
Pukul : 09.00 WIB s/d Selesai
Tempat : Kantor KONI Sulawesi Selatan Lantai 2,
Jl. Sultan Hasanuddin No. 42 Makassar. Telp. (0411) 327170 Fax. (0411) 320421.
08124202703, 081354860468,(0411)5750686

Hari/Tanggal : Senin – Selasa, 21 – 22 Juni 2010
Pukul : 08.00 WIB s/d Selesai

Hari/Tanggal : Rabu, 23 Juni 2010
Tempat : Kantor KONI Sulawesi Selatan Lantai 2,
Jl. Sultan Hasanuddin No. 42 Makassar. Telp.
(0411) 327170 Fax. (0411) 320421.
08124202703, 081354860468, (0411)5750686

Hari/Tanggal : Kamis s.d Sabtu, 24 s/d 26 Juni 2009
Pukul : 08.00 s.d. selesai
Tempat : Celebes Convention Centre (CCC) Makassar, Jln. Metro Tanjung Bunga

- Peserta Pertandingan terdiri atas 3 kategori, yaitu :
1. Usia Dini 4. Cadet.
2. Pra Pemula 5. Junior.
3. Pemula. 6. Under 21.

- Usia dan Nomor Pertandingan
1. Kelompok usia dini : Usia 8 Tahun (Kelahiran 02/08/2001 s/d 01/08/2002), & 9 Tahun (Kelahiran 02/08/2000 s/d 01/08/2001)
Kelompok ini mempertandingkan :
Putra :
a. Kumite kelas bebas
b. Kata Perorangan
Putra :
a. Kumite kelas bebas.
b. Kata Perorangan.
2. Kelompok Pra Pemula : Usia 10 Tahun (Kelahiran 02/08/2001 s/d 01/08/2002), & 11 Tahun (Kelahiran 02/08/2000 s/d 01/08/2001)
Kelompok ini mempertandingkan :
Putra : Putri :
a. Kumite kelas bebas a. Kumite kelas bebas
b. Kata Perorangan b. Kata Perorangan
3. Kelompok Pemula : Usia 12 Tahun (Kelahiran 02/08/1997 s/d 01/08/1998), & 13 Tahun (Kelahiran 02/08/1996 s/d 01/08/1997)
Kelompok ini mempertandingkan :
Putra : Putri :
a. Kumite – 35 Kg a. Kumite – 30 Kg
b. Kumite – 40 Kg b. Kumite + 30 Kg
c. Kumite + 40 Kg c. Kata Perorangan.
d. Kata Perorangan
4. Kelompok Cadet : Usia 14 Tahun (Kelahiran 02/08/1995 s/d 01/08/1996), & 15 Tahun (Kelahiran 02/08/1994 s/d 01/08/1995)
Kelompok ini akan mempertandingkan :
Putra : Putri :
e. Kumite – 52 Kg a. Kumite – 47 Kg
f. Kumite – 57 Kg b. Kumite – 54 Kg
g. Kumite – 63 Kg c. Kumite + 54 Kg
h. Kumite – 70 Kg d. Kata Perorangan
i. Kumite + 70 Kg
j. Kata Perorangan
5. Kelompok Junior : Usia 16 Tahun (Kelahiran 02/08/1993 s/d 01/08/1994), & 17 Tahun (Kelahiran 02/08/1994 s/d 01/08/1993)
Kelompok ini akan mempertandingkan :
Putra : Putri :
a. Kumite – 55 Kg a. Kumite – 48 Kg
b. Kumite – 61 Kg b. Kumite – 53 Kg
c. Kumite – 68 Kg c. Kumite – 59 Kg
d. Kumite – 76 Kg d. Kumite + 59 Kg
e. Kumite + 76 Kg e. Kata Perorangan
f. Kata Perorangan f. Kata Beregu
g. Kata Beregu
6. Kelompok Under 21: Usia 18 Tahun (Kelahiran 02/08/1991 s/d 01/08/1992), 19 Tahun (Kelahiran 02/08/1990 s/d 01/08/1991), & 20 Tahun (Kelahiran 02/08/1989 s/d 01/08/1990)
a. Kumite – 68 Kg a. Kumite – 53 Kg
b. Kumite – 78 Kg b. Kumite – 60 Kg
c. Kumite + 78 Kg c. Kumite + 60 Kg

1. Kelas Perorangan Rp. 100.000,- (Seratus Ribu Rupiah)
2. Kelas Beregu Rp.150.000,- (Seratus Lima Puluh Ribu Rupiah)

1. Peraturan pertandingan akan menggunakan ketentuan yang telah ditetapkan PB FORKI/WKF.
2. Pertadingan disetiap nomor/kelas pertandingan menggunakan sistem Referchange.
3. Jenis Kata yang harus dimainkan dalam pertandingan sesuai dengan ketentuan WKF.
4. Untuk Kelas Kata Beregu Finalis (Perebutan Juara I dan II) dan perebutan juara III harus memainkan Bunkai atau Aplikasi Kata.
5. Setiap peserta kumite diwajibkan menggunakan pelindung gigi (Gum Shield), Hand protector, serta Shin Pad dan Glove Pertandingan sesuai standar WKF.
6. Pada kategori Cadet pertandingan kumite wajib menggunakan Face Masker dan Body Protector sesuai standar WKF.


Ilmu bela diri sebenarnya sudah dikenal semenjak manusia ada, hal ini dapat dilihat dari peninggalan-peninggalan purbakala antara lain: kapak-kapak batu, lukisan-lukisan binatang yang dibunuh dengan senjata seperti tombak dan panah.

Bela diri pada waktu itu hanya bersifat mempertahankan diri dari gangguan binatang buas dan alam sekitarnya. Namun sejak pertambahan penduduk dunia semakin meningkat, maka gangguan yang datang dari manusia mulai timbul sehingga keinginan orang untuk menekuni ilmu bela diri semakin meningkat.

Tersebutlah pada 4.000 tahun yang lalu, setelah Sidartha Gautama pendiri Budha wafat, maka para pengikutnya mendapat amanat agar mengembangkan agama Budha keseluruh dunia. Namun karena sulitnya medan yang dilalui, maka para pendeta diberikan bekal ilmu bela diri. Misi yang ke arah Barat ternyata mengembangkan ilmu Pangkration atau Wrestling di Yunani. Misi keagamaan yang berangkat ke arah Selatan mengembangkan semacam, pencak silat yang kita kenal sekarang ini. Salah satu misi yang ke Utara menjelajahi Cina menghasilkan kungfu (belakangan di abad XII, kungfu dibawa oleh pedagang Cina dan Kubilaikhan kenegara Majapahit di Jawa Timur).

Dari Cina rombongan yang ke Korea menghasilkan bela diri yang kemudian kita kenal dengan Taekwondo. Dari Korea ternyata rombongan tidak dsapat meneruskan perjalanan ke Jepang, tetapi berhenti hanya sampai di kepulauan Okinawa. Tidak berhasil masuknya rombongan ke Jepang, karena di Jepang saat itu sudah mengembangkan ilmu bela diri Jujitsu, yudo, kendo dan ilmu pedang (kenjutsu). Namun sejarah mencatat bahwa pada tahun 1600-an, Kerajaan Jepang telah menguasai Okinawa. Kerajaan Jepang telah memerintah Okinawa dengan tangan besi, penduduk dilarang memiliki senjata tajam, bahkan orang tua dilarang memakai tongkat. Diam-diam bangsa yang terjajah ini mempelajari ilmu bela diri dengan tangan kosong yang waktu itu dikenal dengan nama TOTE. Dari satu teknik ke teknik lainnya, ilmu bela diri diperdalam dan para pendeta ikut mendorong berkembangnya ilmu bela diri TOTE ini.

Kemudian pada tahun 1921 seorang penduduk Okinawa bernama Gichin Funakoshi memperkenalkan ilmu bela diri dari TOTE ini di Jepang, dan namanya pun berubah menjadi karatre, sesuai dengan aksen Jepang dalam cara membaca huruf kanji. Sejak saat itu karate berkembang dengan pesat di Jepang.

Karate masuk di Indonesia bukan dibawa oleh tentara Jepang melainkan oleh Mahasiswa-mahasiswa Indonesia yang kembakli ke tanah air, setelah menyelesaikan pendidikannya di Jepang. Tahun 1963 beberapa Mahasiswa Indonesia antara lain: Baud AD Adikusumo, Karianto Djojonegoro, Mochtar Ruskan dan Ottoman Noh mendirikan Dojo di Jakarta. Mereka inilah yang mula-mula memperkenalkan karate (aliran Shoto-kan) di Indonesia, dan selanjutnya mereka membentuk wadah yang mereka namakan Persatuan Olahraga Karate Indonesia (PORKI) yang diresmikan tanggal 10 Maret 1964 di Jakarta.

Beberapa tahun kemudian berdatangan ex Mahasiswa Indonesia dari Jepang seperti Setyo Haryono (pendiri Gojukai), Anton Lesiangi, Sabeth Muchsin dan Chairul Taman yang turut mengembangkan karate di tanah air. Disamping ex Mahasiswa-mahasiswa tersebut di atas orang-orang Jepang yang datang ke Indonesia dalam rangka usaha telah pula ikut memberikan warna bagi perkembangan karate di Indonesia. Mereka-mereka ini antara lain: Matsusaki (Kushinryu-1966), Ishi (Gojuryu-1969), Hayashi (Shitoryu-1971) dan Oyama (Kyokushinkai-1967).

Karate ternyata memperoleh banyak penggemar, yang implementasinya terlihat muncul dari berbagai macam organisasi (Pengurus) karate, dengan berbagai aliran seperti yang dianut oleh masing-masing pendiri perguruan. Banyaknya perguruan karate dengan berbagai aliran menyebabkan terjadinya ketidak cocokan diantara para tokoh tersebut, sehingga menimbulkan perpecahan di dalam tubuh PORKI. Namun akhirnya dengan adanya kesepakatan dari para tokoh-tokoh karate untuk kembali bersatu dalam upaya mengembangkan karate di tanah air sehingga pada tahun 1972 hasil Kongres ke IV PORKI, terbentuklah satu wadah organisasi karate yang diberi nama Federasi Olahraga Karate-Do Indonesia (FORKI).

Sejak FORKI berdiri sampai dengan saat ini kepengurusan di tingkat Pusat yang dikenal dengan nama Pengurus Besar/PB. telah dipimpin oleh 6 orang Ketua Umum dan periodisasi kepengurusannyapun mengalama 3 kali perobahan masa periodisasi yaitu ; periode 5 tahun (ditetapkan pada Kongres tahun 1972 untuk kepengurusan periode tahun 1972 – 1977) periodisasi 3 tahun (ditetapkan pada kongres tahun 1997 untuk kepengurusan periode tahun 1997 - 1980) dan periodisasi 4 tahun ( Berlaku sejak kongres tahun 1980 sampai sekarang).

Adapun mereka-mereka yang pernah menjadi Ketua Umum dan Sekretaris Jenderal (Umum) FORKI sejak tahun 1972 adalah sbb :

Periode/Masa BaktiKetua UmumSekretaris Jenderal/UmumKeterangan
1972 - 1977Widjojo SuyonoOtoman Nuh Kongres IV PORKI/FORKI 1972 di Jakarta
1977 - 1980 S u m a d iRustam IbrahimKongres V FORKI 1977 di Jakarta
1980 - 1984Subhan DjajaatmadjaG.A. PesikKongres VI FORKI 1980 di Jakarta
1984 - 1988R u d i n iAdam SalehKongres VII FORKI 1984 di Bandar Lampung
1988 - 1992R u d i n iG.A. PesikKongres VIII FORKI 1988 di Jakarta
1992 - 1996R u d i n iG.A. PesikKongres IX 1992 di Jakarta (Diperpanjang sd 1997)
1997 - 2001W i r a n t oDrs. Hendardji -S,SH.Kongres X FORKI 1997 di Caringin Bogor Jawa Barat
2001 - 2005Luhut B. Pandjaitan, MPA.Drs. Hendardji -S,SH.Konres XI FORKI 2001 di Jakarta
2005 - 2009Luhut B. Pandjaitan, MPA.Drs. Hendardji -S,SH.Kongres XII FORKI 2005 di Jakarta

2. BKC (Bandung Karate Club)
5. GABDIKA SHITORYU INDONESIA (Gabungan Beladiri Karate-Do Shitoryu)
6. GOJUKAI (Gojuryu Karate-Do Indonesia)
7. GOJU RYU ASS (Gojuryu Association)
8. GOKASI (Gojuryu Karate-Do Shinbukan Seluruh Indonesia)
9. INKADO (Indonesia Karate-Do)
10. INKAI (Institut Karate-Do Indonesia)
11. INKANAS (Intitut Karate-Do Nasional)
15. KKNSI (Kesatuan Karate-Do Naga Sakti Indonesia)
16. KKI (Kushin Ryu M. Karate-Do Indonesia)
17. KYOKUSHINKAI (Kyokushinkai Karate-Do Indonesia)
18. LEMKARI (Lembaga Karate-Do Indonesia)
25. WADOKAI (Wadoryu Karate-Do Indonesia)

PB. FORKI beberapa kali mendapat kepercayaan menyelenggarakan even Internasional diantaranya :
1. Menjadi tuan rumah APUKO II tahun 1976 dilaksanakan di Jakarta.
2. Menjadi tuan rumah APUKO VII tahun 1987 dilaksanakan di Jakarta.
3. Menjadi tuan rumah APUKO Junior tahun 1991 dilaksanakan di Jakarta.

Disamping even-even tersebut PB. FORKI dipercayakan juga oleh KONI Pusat sebagai penyelenggara pertandingan karate pada even Sea Games dimana Indonesia menjadi tuan rumah yaitu masing-masing :

1. Sea Games XIV tahun 1987 di Jakarta.
2. Sea Games XIX tahun 1997 di Jakarta.

PB. FORKI pernah menggelar even Internasional diluar agenda resmi dari WKF dan AKF sebagai inisiatif sendiri dari PB. FORKI yaitu “ Indonesia Open Karate Tournamen “ yang dilaksanakan di Jakarta tahun 2002.

No. Pengprov Ketua/Sekretaris Alamat
1. AMURA Ketua Umum:
H. Mochamad Ramli, SH

Sekretaris Umum:
Soni Ramli, SH, LLM
Jl. Tidar A5 No.11 Bukit Permai Cibubur - Jakarta 13270
Telp./Fax: 021-87711098
2. BKC Ketua Umum:
Ir H Awal Kusumah, MS

Sekretaris: Drs Ermawan Koesoemaatmadja, MBA
Pondok Puragabaya Kp. Garduh
Ds. Saracipta Kec. Ciparay
Kab. Bandung
Sekretaris : -
Jl. Pasir Putih Raya E 5D No. 17-18 Taman Impian Real Estate
Ancol Timur - Jakarta Utara 14430
4. FUNAKOSHI Ketua Umum: Nurwani Paisan Sekretaris: - Jl Gubeng Kertajaya VB/20

Ketua : -
Sekretaris : -

Jl. Musi No.23 Jakarta Pusat
6. GOKASI Ketua : -
Sekretaris : -
Gedung BIPI Lantai 4/BPPMI
Jl. Letjen Suprapto Kav.3
Cempaka Putih, Jakarta Pusat 10520
Telp./Fax: 021-4256037
7. GOJUKAI Ketua Umum:
Dr Tjepy F Aloewie, MSc

Drs PH Hutadjulu, SH., MH

8. GOJURYU ASS Ketua : -
Sekretaris : -

d/a. Risal Mansur, Shut
Jl. Jomas No.30A Rt.005/05
Meruya Utara Kembangan
Jakarta Barat 11620
9. INKAI Ketua Umum: Jend TNI (Purn) Ryamizard Ryacudu

Sekretaris Jenderal:
Prof Dr Hermawan Sulistyo, APU

Jl. Jenderal Urip Sumoharjo No.17 Jakarta Timur 13310
Telp./Fax: 021-8196132

10. INKADO Ketua Umum: Yorrys Th Raweyai

Sekretaris: Yusran Arief
Gedung Perkantoran Pulo Mas I
Gd. I Lt.3 R.5 Jl. Jend. A.Yani No.2 Pulomas - Jakarta Timur 13210
Telp. 021-70971017,
11. K K N S I Ketua : -
Sekretaris : -

Jl. Taruma Belakang No.48 Medan
12. KYOKUSHINKAI Ketua Umum:
Nardi T Nirwanto SA

Sekretaris Umum:
Sali Pasolang, SH

Jl. Imam Bonjol Atas No.24-26
Batu 65314 - Malang Jawa TimurTelp.0341-595852, 593732, Fax.0341-592765
E-mail: Website:
13. KEISHINKAN Ketua : -
Sekretaris : -
Jl. Ampasit Raya No.23
(Cideng) Jakarta Pusat
14. KANDAGA PRANA Ketua : -
Sekretaris : -
Jl. Pejagalan – Dahlia I No.8 Sukabumi 43131
15. KALA HITAM Ketua Umum: Ronni Simon

Sekretaris: -

Jl. Listrik No.5 M e d a n
16. KKI Ketua Umum: Dr Oesman Sapta

Sekretaris: Drs Abdul Salam

Jl. Jatinegara Barat IV No.11A Jatinegara - Jakarta 13310
17. LEMKARI Ketua Umum: Dr Anton Lesiangi

Sekretaris Umum: Rudi Gunarto

Jl. Kramat Raya VII No.17
Jakarta Pusat
18. INKANAS Ketua Umum:
Drs Taufiq Effendi, MBA

Sekretaris: Brigjen Pol Drs I Nengah Sutisna, MBA

Jl Jenderal Sudirman Kav.69 Jakarta Selatan 12190
19. PERKAINDO Ketua Umum:
Drs Usman Tambang

Sekretaris:Drs Abdul Salam

Jl. Kebon Bawang XI/63
Tj. Priuk - Jakarta Utara
20. PORDIBYA Ketua : -
Sekretaris : -

Jl. Angin Mamiri No.29 B
Kompleks TNI-AL Dewa Ruci Cilincing – Jakarta Utara
21. PORBIKAWA Ketua : -
Sekretaris : -

Jl. Ploso Timur III/I Surabaya
22. SHI ROI TE Ketua Umum:
Andrew Simanjuntak

Sekretaris: -

d/a. Lettu Inf. Andrew Simanjuntak Asrama Yonif 201/Jaya Yudha
Jl. Raya Bogor Km 28
Jakarta Timur
22. SHINDOKA Ketua Umum: Iwan Setiawan

Sekretaris Jenderal : Mayor Inf. Hendry Tarigan
d/a. PT. Primacom Interbuana Wisma I BCA 17th Floor
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav.22-23 Jakarta Selatan 12920
Telp. 021-5224750,
Fax. 021-5224745
23. TAKO INDONESIA Ketua Umum:
Dr Ir Benny Pasaribu, M.Ec

Sekretaris: -

Jl. Selat Berhala D3 / No. 6
Kav. AL Duren Sawit,
Jakarta Timur 13440
24. WADOKAI Ketua Umum: Brigjen Pol Drs I Sumardi, SH., MBA., MM

Sekretaris: Brigjen Pol Drs Jhony Wainal Usman
d/a. O C S Menara Cakrawala Lt.3 Jl. MH Thamrin No.9
Jakarta Pusat

Jumat, 21 Mei 2010

wayne otto tribute

The Best of Biamonti

"The founders of BUDOKAN studied a number of Martial Arts including Chinese Kung-fu, Tae Kwon Do, and several styles of Karate-do including Shito-ryu, Shotokan and Keishinkan. Keishinkan is a minor style of the Shuri-Te strain and is not widely known even in its country of birth. It comes from the line of Toyoma Sensei and the excellent qualities of their instructors are well known in Australia, Malaysia and elsewhere.”

"The Malaysia Karateka learned the techniques and Kata of changing coaches and from different styles starting from 1960...Shito Ryu, Shotokan, Goju Ryu & Keishinkan. (1967 - 1970) ...five coaches of Keishinkan under...Grandmaster Takazawa remained for a long time in Malaysia...spreading the Keishinkan style.”
Karate - Stilrichtung Shorin Ryu Siu Sin Kan;

[The cherry blossom (Sakura) crest was adopted as the symbol of the All-Japan Karatedo Association (Zen Nihon Karatedo Renmei) founded by Master Toyama Kanken in 1946.]


At the age of 9, Toyama Kanken began karate training with his first instructor, Itarashiki Choiku (known to have beaten Motobu in a street fight). Once Toyama had learned proper protocol, courtesy, kihon execution, and initial kata understanding, the then accepted founders of Shuri-te (Itosu Anko) and Naha-te, (Higaonna Kanryo) became his mentors until he had mastered all they had to offer. Funakoshi Sensei and Mabuni Sensei left the teaching of Itosu long before Toyama Sensei, and in doing so missed additional fine points of Itosu's knowledge. Additionally, Toyama Sensei sought out a master of Okinawa-te in Tomari and undertook instruction by the then accepted Tomari-te founder, Matsumora Kosaku (Oyadomari Kokan was another). Matsumora also had mastery in Shaolin martial arts and Kempo from Anan, a Chinese master from Fuzhou.

Karate-do was born combining Kakutojutsu (fighting martial arts), which had been studied in Okinawa 500 years ago, and Kempo, which was introduced from China.

By combining all known defensive techniques, they invented Toshukuken (The Hand Protecting the Body).

Motivated by an intense desire to learn, know, and master all the martial arts available to him, Toyama Sensei continued to seek out those with in-depth expertise albeit from Okinawa or China, and submerge himself with those masters until they had little more to teach him. With Okinawa-te training maturity, Toyama Sensei was now deemed a master and teacher of Tomari-te, Shuri-te and Naha-te.

Like Itosu Sensei, Toyama Kanken took his knowledge and skills to the Okinawa public schools and became a physical education teacher and karate headmaster.

After the World War II, Toyama came under the influence of a third group of masters, in the persons of Miyagi Chojun and Chibana Choshin. After the death of Miyagi in 1953, Toyama received instruction from Kyoda Juhatsu of Okinawa To'on-ryu.

To honor Itosu and Higaonna, Toyama Sensei adopted their combined systems and called them Okinawa Seito Ryu Karate-do!

Where Chinese fighting systems blended with Kakutojutsu producing the deadliest martial art Toshukuken; known for personal protection
Oorthodox, Original, or Pure;
System of martial art.

This meant that he had merged all the techniques of Shuri-te, Tomari-te, and Naha-te, but left their kata untouched, separate and pure. Toyama expressed that one should learn all the teachings of Shuri-te, then Tomari-te, and finally Naha-te. Each art was complete in itself, but together they became the "ultimate" training experience and successfully complimented one another & promote the practitioner as a “complete” Master of empty hand … karate! He then taught school in Taiwan and learned the Chinese "internal" martial arts of Taijichuan.

Upon returning to Tokyo in 1930, Toyama opened his first dojo named the SHU DO KAN (The Hall for the study for the Way). Toyama Kanken then opened a second dojo and named it the KEI SHIN KAN.

Toyama Kanken quickly became famous for his Aka Ryoku (strong gripping methods of Itosu and Itarashiki) and given his diverse martial arts background, the Japanese government soon recognized Toyama's knowledge, skill, and expertise. Thus, a government official awarded Toyama "Dai Shihan" (supreme, ultimate Grand Master) and the right to promote to any rank in any style of karate.

Kanken Toyama and other grandmasters were seeking, at that time, to unify Karate-Do as one family rather than see the spread of so-called “styles”. Thus, Toyama Kanken did not claim to teach any particular “style” of Karate-Do and he said, in reference to karate styles, that "styles are limited to the personality of their founders and so development is limited."

True Karate-Do development is not restricted”. Toyama Dai Shihan taught Okinawa Seito Ryu Karate-Do. In other words, he taught pure Okinawa karate.

Toyama Kanken, Dai Shihan, founded the All Japan Karate-Do Federation (AJKF) in 1946. By establishing an organization such as the AJKF, Toyama's intention was to unify the karate of Japan and Okinawa into one governing organization, providing a forum for the exchange of ideas and technique.

Prior to his death, Toyama Dai Shihan gave permission to Onishi Eizo Sensei to open his own dojo. Toyama chose the name for the dojo... Koei Kan.

Toyama Dai Shihan died in 1966.

After Toyama Sensei's death other senior students established their own styles:

Toshi Hanaue maintained the original Shu Do Kan dojo;
Ichikawa Iso founded Do Shin Kan Ryu (The Heart of the Way Style) in 1969;
Michio Koyasu founded Soryu (The All or Complete Style) in 1967.
Byong In Yoon - the only Korean listed in Toyama's book as a 5th Dan Shihan.
Two Byong In Yoon students went on to found two of Korea's most important Kwans.
Lee Nam-suk founded the Chang Moo Kwan (Hall for the Propagation of Military Training) and
Park Chull-hee founded the Kang Duk Won (Training Hall for the Teaching of Virtue).

In 1948 Master Toyama gave one of his best students, Master Takazawa, a training hall (dojo) with instructions that it be called Kei Shin Kan. Thus Kei Shin Kan was formed, not as a particular style of Karate, but a dojo teaching Okanawa Seito Ryu under the supervision of Master Takazawa in Japan.


and Respectful
and Soul
A place to develop those qualities

The karate-do we practice is


Okinawa - original, pure, orthodox - system/style

The resulting association is the
(International KEI SHIN KAN Karate Association)

Onishi Eizo Sensei (Black gi top) - Koei-kan

Kyoda Juhatsu (sitting on left) - To'on Ryu

Toyama Kanken Dai Shihan (sitting on right) - Okinawa Seito Ryu

Grandmaster Takazawa Masanao (standing 2nd from right) - Keishinkan

Toyama, Dai Shihan taught Takazawa O'Sensei
the art of the “empty hand” as he himself had been
taught by Grandmasters Itosu, Higaonna, Oyadomari, Matsumora and other great masters .

Having first received instruction from his father in the martial arts, at age 17 he was accepted for further training by Toyama Kanken Dai Shihan. Toyama Sensei “opened the doors” of such masters of the day such as Kyan Sensei, Kyoda Juhatsu Sensei, and Chibana Sensei for Takazawa Sensei to experience differing perspectives of techniques from Shuri-te, Tomari-te, Naha-te, Japan and China.

Grandmaster Takazawa was privileged to assist Toyama O'Sensei in the development of kata. Toyama is the person who originated the kata Juroku, Nanajushi, Juhachi, Keishin, et. al. Grandmaster Takazawa was asked to assist in their development and work out the "rough" spots. Takazawa O'Sensei also created Matsu and other small, but essential kata.

Microsoft  Photo Editor 3.0 PhotoTakazawa O'Sensei was a teacher in Nagano-Prefecture, Oshika-Village elementary school
before returning to his place of birth in Okayashi, Nagano, Japan, where today he continues to work in physiotherapy and acupuncture, assisted by his wife and two sons. If one learns to injure, should they not also learn to heal or treat those injured?” ... is a question that motivated Takazawa Sensei to attended first Boston University and then Harvard University to study another art…the art of medicine, the treatment of those in pain or suffering.

The move to the mountain area of Nagano also served to honor of his ancestors, who were samurai of Matsumoto Castle...where they lived the Code of the Samurai. Takazawa O'Sensei, the living "Kan" of KEI SHIN KAN settled the "Hombu" in the serenity of the mountains...far away from the busy material world of Tokyo. Although he maintains a large dojo were his mentor, Toyama Kanken, first gave Takazawa one of his two dojos...the KEI SHIN KAN of Tokyo. Grandmaster Takazawa truly expresses the “Spirit of Budo” in his life.

Takazawa O'Sensei has not sat still when it comes to martial arts. He has trained and mastered Kendo, Iaido, Kyudo, Aikido, Judo and has learned much about the American version of the Ninja...the American Indian.

For as much as he learned, Grandmaster Takazawa also has contributed. He skillfully facilitates understanding of kihon, shines a light on the hidden truths of kata, sets new limits of physical discipline and invites others to follow.

“They will know you by the tracks you leave!”

Takazawa O'Sensei leaves tracks of courage, tracks of strength, and tracks of wisdom and honor, for others to follow...for others to learn!

What tracks will you leave?

Jim Nelson
In the 50's Jim Nelson (Sandan, left) and Bill Dye (Nidan, not pictured) were the first to bring the training of Okinawa Seito Ryu from the KEI SHIN KAN to the United States.

While Nelson was still a Ikkyu, Takazawa O'Sensei promoted him for a day (complete with certificate) in order to test he kumite skills agains all Yudansha at the Prefecture Karate Championship. Bugei armor was used in this tournament for hard contact. At the end of the day Jim Nelson had won 1st Place at the tournament against all systems. Takazawa O'Sensei then tore up his Shodan rank until he had fully earned it.
Jim Nelson's first students in the USA were, in order

Robert Yarbrough, Jim Sullivan, Charlie Mathews

The 1960's in USA

Sensei Robert Yarbrough began training Rod Murray (from Kenkojuku Shotokan).

Master Murray's early beginnings as a champion wrestler in a Minnesota high school and at Mayville State University/Mankato State University, helped his rise to 5th degree in Judo & 2nd degree in Aikido.

Rod Murray competed kata and kumite throughout California/Nevada, Minnesota, Wisconsin, North Dakota, Tennessee, Illinois, Missouri, Nebraska, Arizona and Indiana... consistently placing 1st, 2nd, or 3rd.

In the early 70's Sensei Murray garnered enough points to tie Pete Rabino as overall USKA Nationals Points Champion at the Anderson, IN national tournament and banquet. Grandmaster Trias said there couldn't be a tie. Rod suggested they fight it out to determine the winner. Since it was banquet night, Trias said that there should be a “coin toss” and Rod lost the toss for 2nd place in the national point standing. However, when Trias explained what had happened with the tie, others in the banquet expressed, "let'em fight it out", "move a few tables"... [first among them were Parker Shelton, a true karatemen's karate-ka]. Trias said it had already been settled by the coin. But he acknowledged both as true national champions.

Grandmaster Trias (retired Arizona State Police) was influential in Rod Murray's decision to earn a degree in law enforcement. Murray earned an A.A. (1973), B.A. (1974), & Masters of Science Degree (1988) and post-graduate study (1989) in Criminal Justice, Calif. St. Univ., Sacramento. Being a police officer, Sensei Murray quickly learned which techniques worked and what was merely “show.” His work in Minnesota, California, and Nevada (Reno/North Lake Tahoe) honed his aikido, judo and karate skills.

Now it is Grandmaster Takazawa that has influenced Murray Sensei to pursue a degree in the "natural" healing arts of Oriental Medicine/Accupuncture at Bastyr University, Seattle, WA.

Martial arts greats such as:
Major Phil Porter (Mather AFB),
Ed Parker (LA),
Parker Shelton (IN),
Jim McClain (OH),
Mel Wise (IN),
Okano Tomasaburo (Japan),
Jim Arwood (CA),
Robert Halliburton (CA),
Bill Clingen (CA; Tang Soo Do/Moo Duk Kwon) and
Jay Lunon (WA; Pai Lum Tao)

...also provided mentoring in one form or another throughout Sensei Murray's forty-six years of training.
Murray & Suzuki
In 1992, Rod Murray (age 46), Isaac Espinosa, and Bart Coy won 1st Place in full contact Koshiki Team Kumite in Japan by outfighting Japanese, Malaysian, Australian, Indonesian, Singapore, and New Zealand Teams. It was the first time a non-Japanese team had ever won the tournament.

By 1997, Sensei Murray (51) had competed and won the AAU Washington State Championship and the AAU Region 12 Championship in kumite and kata. At the AAU National Karate Championship in Orlando, Florida, Sensei Murray fought to second place in a televised match against a tough opponent from New York. A review of the tape shows that Sensei Murray had won the match, but since the center judge had given his decision...the victory stood. Both fighters enjoyed the hard fight! Sensei Murray said he hadn't had a fight like that since he fought Fred Wren in a USKA North Dakota State Karate Championship in Fargo, ND.

Again in 1998, Sensei Murray pursued and won the AAU Washington State Championship and moved on to the AAU Region 12 finals at Grants Pass, OR. He placed second in the Region but in qualifying for the Nationals, Sensei Murray sustained a throat punch, which broke a small bone and sent him to Seattle Harborview Trauma Center for a life threatening injury and a NDE.

Sensei Murray no longer fights in competition and he has become a student of QiQong and Hsing Yi Ch'uan Fa Neigong to heal, increase internal energy, and keep the "energy gates" open providing good "flow" throughout his body... much as Grandmasters Toyama and Takazawa.

Of Sensei Murray's 46 years training, 41 years have been with Takazawa O'Sensei
with my Shodan Yudansha registered with the Zen Nihon Renmei Karate-do association
started by Toyama Sensei!
The 70's
In the early 70's Shinohara Nobuhiro (Rokudan) was sent by Takazawa to ensure training standards and further develop Okinawa Seito Ryu and the KEI SHIN KAN.

During his first year in the USA, Shinohara won the overall Weapons Grand Champion at Ed Parker's International karate Championships.

Microsoft Photo  Editor 3.0 PhotoNobu first began instruction in the Los Angeles area of Californian, then in Boise, Idaho. With time Sensei Shinohara taught in the Midwest areas of Missouri and Arkansas.

Murray Sensei said, "I've traveled and fought in many tournaments in and outside the USA borders, I've not seen a technician of kumite and kate such as Nobu." Yet Nobu did not seem that interested in fighting within the United States. He found greater pleasure in teaching and later...his wife, family, and friends.

Today, Nobu Shinohara lives in Las Vegas.